At the moment of writing, there were 123 reviews with an average rating of 4.8. The company displays reviews on its main site. It is a good choice for users looking to safeguard their Macs. Yes, Malwarebytes is a well-regarded anti-malware solution that effectively protects Macs from various threats. The best thing is it still has a free version. In 2015 Malwarebytes, a software company from California acquired AdwareMedic and rebranded it as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac. The product was a donationware developed by Thomas Reed. The story of Malwarebytes for Mac started when it was called AdwareMedic. There is also a Windows version, but I have no opinion about it. In this article, I would only cover Malwarebytes for Mac. While I have never found any malware on those occasions, I do know how Malwarebytes works and can help you decide whether you need it or not and whether it is worth paying for. One thing I learned is that when their tech support suspects a possibility of a virus on your Mac, they usually suggest downloading and running free Malwarebytes. In the past, I contacted Apple multiple times. If you buy through affiliate links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.